PRP skin rejuvenation harley street london avanti aesthetics

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

PRP skin rejuvenation harley street london avanti aesthetics

PRP for Skin Rejuvenation

Platelet Rich Plasma for skin rejuvenation involves a simple injection of your own platelets. Specifically harnessing your body’s natural healing and regenerative properties.


Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is an extract of your own blood that contains platelets, growth factors, and active proteins for tissue and injury healing.

It has been used medically for years to accelerate wound healing. In particular, it has been used to repair tendons, ligament and joint damage, heal diabetic ulcers and help regrow muscle and bone. When PRP is placed back into the skin by injection or micro-needling, it initiates a localised stem cell response.

Over the weeks and months following treatment, this stem cell response recruits collagen-producing cells called fibroblasts. The fibroblasts replace tissue that has been damaged or lost through the ageing process with healthy skin that looks refreshed and rejuvenated. Due to the stem cell response and specific growth factors contained in the plasma, it has also shown excellent results in hair restoration.

woman receiving bespoke facial at Avanti Aesthetics Clinic
woman receiving bespoke facial at Avanti Aesthetics Clinic
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The potential benefits of PRP have led to a recent widespread interest in its use for anti-ageing, regenerative and hair restoration purposes.

The healing properties of the blood components in PRP can be used in cosmetic treatments for:

  • Reducing fine lines and wrinkles
  • Tightening and toning skin
  • Mild collagen and volume loss
  • Crow’s feet and dark under eye circles
  • Acne scarring
  • Rosacea
  • Hair Rejuvenation

Within a few weeks of treatment, an overall improvement in skin hydration, texture and tone can be seen. New collagen and blood vessels begin to grow after three to six weeks, and reduction of fine lines and wrinkles and volume correction happens over the next three to six months.

The effects can last 12 months to two years, depending on the individual. While it creates a longer-lasting effect in the skin, it does take time to work. For individuals looking for an immediate effect, PRP can be combined with hyaluronic acid fillers for quick volume correction.

Fillers provide a matrix for building new collagen and can be used to accelerate and sustain the benefits of PRP. Cosmetic wants and needs are unique to everyone and will be addressed individually by one of our expert practitioners.

Schedule a complimentary consultation to learn more.

Prior to the PRP procedure, an in-depth consultation is carried out to assess cosmetic needs and determine the best combination of treatments to achieve the desired result. Next, a simple blood collection is done and processed immediately in a special centrifuge. This concentrates and separates the platelet-rich plasma from the rest of the blood. After numbing the area being treated with topical anaesthesia, the PRP is injected or reapplied to the skin using a microneedling device. PRP is a simple and safe procedure.

The most common side effects are mild swelling or slight bruising that may last three to seven days. Because the PRP is extracted from your own blood, there is no risk of disease transmission, allergic or immune reaction. It is a safe, effective and natural way of harnessing the healing power of your own blood to help reverse the signs of ageing. As part of an integrated approach to skincare that addresses both internal and external factors, PRP can be your natural fountain of youth.

PRP can be used as an injection alone to stimulate the body to make its own natural filler or can be coupled with Dermal Fillers to achieve a true lift effect. Lastly, PRP can be used with microneedling allowing for collagen creation and tissue enhancement from growth factors found in the plasma serum. After your consultation, a treatment plan tailored specifically to you will be devised.

Treatment Time

40 minutes

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May need anaesthetic cream

Duration of Results

1-2 years

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Restylane Vital Injections at Avanti Aesthetics

Restylane Vital Injectable Skin Hydration

PRP skin rejuvenation harley street london avanti aesthetics

Restylane Vital Injectable Skin Hydration

Restylane Skinboosters are used to improve skin hydration, firmness and luminosity, through micro-injections of a very soft hyaluronic acid filler into the skin (Restylane Vital or Vital Light).


Restylane Skinbooster will make you feel great about your skin again with a radiance and smoothness that you will see, feel and love.

After a few treatments, as advised by your practitioner you’ll find that your skin will become smoother, more radiant, and more elastic. The skin of your face, hands, neck and décolletage can be improved and the results can make a world of difference to the way you feel about your skin.

Restylane Skinboosters have been used by aesthetic physicians for over 12 years and over 3.5 million treatments have been performed in that time.

Injections are typically administered over the course of 2-3 treatment sessions, 2–4 weeks apart, to restore your skin’s elasticity and smoothness in a gradual way. Regular maintenance sessions (approximately every 6 months) occur as planned with your practitioner ensuring lasting results.

Clinical studies prove the lasting impact of a Restylane Skinboosters treatment with improvement in skin elasticity of the face and hands for up to 12 months after the initial treatment.

Restylane Skinboosters are proven to be safe and effective however you will be provided with detailed consent and medical history forms which you will be asked to read and sign before treatment. You can ask our Doctors any other questions you may have regarding treatment.

Restylane Skinboosters are a filler treatment which improves skin hydration, firmness and luminosity, through micro-injections of a very soft hyaluronic acid filler into the skin (Restylane Vital or Vital Light).

The natural hydrating properties of Restylane Skinboosters also make them well suited to all skin types, whether skin is dry or oily.

There may be some slight redness after treatment, this is normal and should only last a few hours.

Treatment Time

30-40 minutes

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May need anaesthetic cream

Duration of Results

6-12 months

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beautiful woman with clear skin

Chemical Skin Peels

PRP skin rejuvenation harley street london avanti aesthetics


A skin peel is a treatment that uses a chemical solution to stimulate new cells, encouraging healthy exfoliation and re-modelling. This ensures skin has an even tone, colour and texture; that healthy glow we all long for.


Chemical Skin Peels can be a good option if you want to address skin damage, lines and wrinkles, scars, large pores, rough skin texture, pigmentation, and a dull skin tone. During your consultation, your Practitioner will listen to your concerns and determine the best peel to meet your needs.

The strength of our skin peel treatments can be varied based on your skin type to be safe and effective for both sensitive and normal skin.

The outer layers of the skin receive and show the most damage, so removing the damaged skin can reveal a brighter, healthier complexion. At Avanti Aesthetics, our skin care professionals offer a whole catalogue of chemical peels that can help you with your specific skin needs and concerns.

You may want a milder no-peel peel to simply refresh your skin while treating small blemishes and preventing signs of ageing. Alternatively, you may prefer a deeper peel that corrects more visible concerns and stimulates skin cell renewal.

Book in for a consultation and our Practitioners will help you understand the different peels and which one is best for your custom treatment plan.

A chemical skin peel typically takes about 30 – 60 minutes, depending on the peel chosen. As you relax in one of our treatment rooms, your Practitioner will cleanse your skin to remove any makeup, dirt, and oil before applying the peel. You may feel some mild tingling as the peel works, but let your Practitioner know if you have any concerns.

After your peel, the Practitioner will apply an SPF moisturiser for your skin type. It’s important to keep your skin moisturised for the first few days after your treatment and to avoid sun exposure.

If you do experience peeling with one of our deeper peels, your skin should be allowed to peel on its own (no picking!) and the fresh, new skin should be visible about 5 – 7 days after your treatment.

Talk to your Practitioner about how often you should receive a peel skin treatment and what products you should use at home to protect your skin.

Treatment Time

30-60 minutes

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Not required

Duration of Results


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woman receiving dermaplane facial at Avanti Aestehtics Clinic

Dermaplaning - Dead Skin Removal

PRP skin rejuvenation harley street london avanti aesthetics

Dermaplaning Treatment

Dermaplaning is a simple and safe procedure for exfoliating the epidermis. Dead skin and fine vellus hair (peach fuzz) is removed revealing a glowing complexion.


Using a scalpel and featherlight strokes, the practitioner simply abrades the surface of the skin. The treatment results in a more refined, smooth, “glowing” appearance. Dermaplaning can be done as often as every two weeks, although usually done when vellus hair starts to return.

woman receiving dermaplane facial at Avanti Aestehtics Clinic

Dermaplaning is often used on patients with rough skin, superficial hyperpigmentation, mild acne scarring, rosacea, or fine lines and wrinkles. Removing dead skin cells allows products to penetrate more readily into the deeper layers of the skin.

Your Practitioner may recommend this treatment to prepare the skin for other procedures such as laser treatments or chemical peels. It also may be used to prepare the skin before one of our bespoke facials.

Dermaplaning is also a first choice for patients who have excess vellus hair on the skin. This hair often causes a buildup of dirt and oils in the follicles, removing the hair gives the patient healthier looking skin. Although merely an old wives’ tale, many patients are concerned that the hair will grow back heavier after dermaplaning. This is not the case.

Dermaplaning is suitable for all skin types, but an especially great choice for those who want exfoliation without the effects of microdermabrasion. If you have sensitive skin, deal with acne or rosacea, or are pregnant, this gentle treatment is a perfect choice.

After treatment your Practitioner will again go through any aftercare advice in order to maximise your treatment benefits. The treatment takes about 45 minutes to an hour but may be combined with other treatments as well.

With Dermaplaning, there will be no downtime. After your treatment, you can resume your normal activities immediately. There is no need to follow any special post-treatment measures.

The skin might appear slightly flushed at first, but the redness should disappear within a few hours. There is no need to hide in the house afterwards, most patients are out and about. Just keep your skin protected from the sun and look forward to a smooth, glowing appearance.

Treatment Time

1 hour

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Not required

Duration of Results

2 weeks - 1 month

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Anti Ageing program by ZO Skin Health

ZO Skin Health Consultation

Anti Ageing program by ZO Skin Health

ZO Skin Health Consultation

ZO Skin Health London at the Avanti Aesthetics ZO Skin Centre® offer anti-ageing skin consultations to patients who want to keep their skin looking young and also those looking to amend maturing skin.


While some people worry about how old they actually are, the professionals at the Avanti Aesthetics ZO Skin Centre® focus on how old you look. While a combination of genetics, lifestyle, and environmental damage will determine when and how you show signs of ageing (lines, sun damage, surface irregularities, rough texture, uneven skin tone, wrinkles), good skin care can prevent and counteract these concerns.

A ZO Skin Health Consultation starts with a skin health analysis that will show signs of hidden damage, which along with your visible concerns, can help to determine your customised treatment plan.

Your personal anti-aging plan will introduce you to the ZO® Skin Health Circle™ and help you achieve healthier, more youthful skin. In addition, the therapeutic procedures available in our Clinic can treat your current skin conditions if needed and maintenance programs will prevent reoccurrences, as well as new concerns.

During your consultation, a daily skin regimen will be created to maintain your skin health. This, along with products for prevention that will minimise environmental damage (like UV exposure) will set you on your path to true skin health.

Whether you are looking to keep your skin fresh or you want to recapture your youthful complexion, schedule a consultation at the Avanti Aesthetics ZO Skin Centre®.

ZO Skin Health products are not available to purchase online in London or the UK, in addition they should only be used following a thorough consultation with one of our expert Practitioners. Further information about the entire ZO Skin Health range at

Consultation Time

30 minutes




Not required

Duration of Results

Life long

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woman receiving HIFU treatment

HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound)

woman with HIFU treatment

HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) Treatment

At Avanti Aesthetics, we are proud to offer the latest High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) treatments. This revolutionary technology can be used on the face, neck and body to provide skin lifting and tightening.


HIFU is a non surgical treatment that aims to tackle drooping jowls & neck, prominent nose to mouth lines or a heavy brow. As we age, collagen production slows down. Our face, neck, décolletage and certain body areas will slowly lose tone and elasticity. Often we’ll notice our skin becoming looser or starting to sag.

The energy used during a HIFU treatment generates heat in the deeper layers of the skin (specifically targeting the SMAS layer), causing a thermal reaction which triggers the body’s natural healing response and formation of new collagen and tissue regeneration.

This process leads to a lifting and tightening effect on the skin, reducing the signs of ageing, for a younger, more defined and sculpted look. HIFU can reach tissues that other anti-ageing treatments can’t. This makes HIFU a very popular alternative to surgery or other more invasive treatments.

woman receiving HIFU treatment

Over time, collagen fibres begin to lose elasticity, which in turn causes the skin to lose its firmness and start to sag. HIFU is unmatched by other non-invasive treatments, with its ability to treat the tissues usually addressed during surgical procedures.

Benefits of treatment include;

  • Brow Lifting
  • Jowl Lifting
  • Nasolabial Fold Reduction
  • Marionette Line Reduction
  • Face & Neck Lifting
  • Body area lifting & tightening

Using ultra-sound waves, the superficial muscles are targeted. The tissues are heated to a range between 60-70˚C, thus the natural wound healing process is stimulated to create new collagen and elastin.

After treatment your Practitioner will again go through any aftercare advice in order to maximise your treatment benefits and avoid any undesirable side effects. The treatment takes about an hour but may be combined with other treatments as well.

This treatment is minimally invasive, you may leave the Clinic with some slight redness which will subside within 24 hours. There is no need to hide in the house afterwards, most patients are out and about. Just keep your skin covered and protected from the sun and look forward to a gradual lifting and tightening effect.

Treatment Time

1 hour

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Not required

Duration of Results

6-9 months

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specialist preparing patient for microneedling treatment

Medical Microneedling

specialist preparing patient for microneedling treatment

Microneedling / Dermapen Treatment

At Avanti Aesthetics, we are using Medical Microneedling to take advantage of the body’s natural ability to heal wounds to fight skin ageing from the inside out.


Social media has dubbed it the Vampire Facial, Medical microneedling is a technique that uses tiny sterile micro-needles to create very small, controlled “injuries” to skin. These microscopic injuries then heal, resulting in collagen and elastin rejuvenation. It also allows for active ingredients to be absorbed into the deeper skin layers.

Microneedling treatment is a gradual process; we don’t plan for one session, we always schedule 2 – 6 sessions depending on each patient’s needs. Depending on the chosen depth, we may start with a numbing cream to minimise discomfort. It is safe for all skin types including dark skin that is at increased risk for side effects with lasers.

Microneedling can be used for general dermabrasion which improves overall skin tone and reduces fine lines and wrinkles while promoting collagen production for healthy, smooth skin year round. However at Avanti Aesthetics, we also use microneedling to target;

  • Stretch marks
  • Acne scars
  • Wrinkles
  • Surgical scars
  • Burn scars
  • Large pores
  • Skin discolouration

The procedure is performed with a hand-held device that punctures the top layer of skin with tiny fine needles, thousands and thousands of times. This creates a landscape of many micro channels in the skin. This process stimulates the skin’s natural ability to heal itself and stimulate collagen and elastin, a key part of our skin that begins to reduce as we age.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Growth Factor Serums are often used with microneedling for additional collagen stimulation. PRP contains growth factors that stimulate cellular regeneration and new tissue growth, it also promotes healing and repair of sun damage. Read more about microneedling + PRP on the next tab.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is easily obtained from your own blood and mixed with a special reagent, on the day of your treatment we’ll obtain 1 vial of blood.

We get heightened results when using the PRP from your own blood. It is placed in a centrifuge to separate the PRP from the red blood cells. Platelet Rich Plasma contains a high concentration of the body’s own growth factors that stimulate a healing response. It’s the yellowish colour fluid that the body produces in response to burns, scrapes and other insults to the skin.

The plasma is applied to the micro channels created by the microneedling, activating them to stimulate new collagen. It also triggers fibroblasts to produce elastin and glycosaminoglycan (natural hydrators such as hyaluronic acid).

After treatment your Practitioner will again go through any microneedling aftercare advice in order to maximise your treatment benefits and avoid any undesirable side effects.

The treatment takes about an hour but may be combined with a laser treatment as well.

Although this treatment is minimally invasive, you do need to plan ahead. You’ll leave the Clinic with redness and may not apply sunscreen or any make-up for at least 48 hours. This will give way to dry and lightly peeling skin. Approximately 3-4 days later the appearance should return to normal. No need to hide in the house while healing, most patients are out and about. Just keep your skin covered and protected from the sun and look forward to a brighter renewed natural glow that should last several years.

Treatment Time

1 hour

Back to Work

Next day


Cream offered

Duration of Results


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beautiful woman with clear skin

Profhilo Hydration Treatment



Profhilo has one of the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid available, it not only boosts and hydrates the skin, but also remodels ageing and sagging skin.


Profhilo lasts in the skin around 28 days. During this time the stimulation of 4 different types of collagen and elastin takes place by slow release of hyaluronic acid. The stimulation results in significant tissue improvement. Profhilo is a unique treatment that delivers great results on its own or can be used in combination with other aesthetic treatments.

Profhilo is an effective and natural looking non-surgical facelift treatment, it is a fairly new treatment that tackles ageing by addressing skin laxity and filling lines and wrinkles. Made up of hyaluronic acid, it nourishes dermal cells and restores firmness of the skin. This treatment will hydrate your skin from the inside out, visibly improving texture.

Profhilo treatments can help to:

  • Increase skin firmness and elasticity
  • Tighten and lift skin
  • Improve skin tone and texture
  • Rehydrated skin
  • Restore radiance

A complimentary consultation can be arranged to discuss the suitability of Profhilo.

A profhilo treatment takes approximately 20 minutes, with minimal downtime allowing you to go straight back to your normal daily life.

Thanks to the unique characteristics of Profhilo, skin conditions can be visibly improved after just 2 sessions, with a 1 month interval.

Profhilo is injected in only 5 injection points on each side of the face and can be used on a number of areas including Full face (including eye area), neck, décolletage, upper arms and hands and is suitable for practically anyone, men and women, from 30 years’ old and with no upper age limit.

After treatment the Doctor will again go through any aftercare advice in order to maximise your treatment benefits and avoid any undesirable side effects. You can resume normal activities, drive yourself home or return to work immediately after the treatment.

Immediately after treatment you may notice some redness at the injection site and you may experience some mild itching or tenderness in the treated area. This will generally disappear within 24-hours.

For best results a second treatment is recommended one month after the first treatment. Maintenance treatments can then be scheduled as and when needed.

Treatment Time

20-30 minutes

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Pre-mixed with filler

Duration of Results

6 months

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Ellanse harley street london avanti aesthetics

Ellansé Facial Volume

Ellance harley street london avanti aesthetics Ellance harley street london avanti aesthetics


Ellansé is the first of a new class of dermal fillers, naturally regenerating volume and restoring the shape that time has taken away.


Ellansé works differently and naturally. Thanks to its unique properties, it not only corrects wrinkles and folds but also stimulates your own collagen production to really treat the underlying causes of facial ageing, the effects are gradual and longer-lasting giving you a natural youthful appearance.

A treatment takes approximately 30 minutes allowing you to go straight back to your normal daily life.

Only one session is needed to obtain immediate results and long-lasting correction, making Ellansé a cost effective treatment bringing you excellent value for money.

This procedure is simple and safe. It does not have a disruptive effect on your everyday life including social or professional activities, and the results are highly satisfying, even with a single application. Furthermore, the treatment can be repeated if required.

As with any injection there may be side effects such as localised redness, swelling and bruising. For more information, please book a complimentary consultation.

Ellansé is a bio-stimulating dermal filler which uses the body’s natural response to foreign bodies to stimulate the formation of collagen. Ultimately, this treatment offers a versatile, non-surgical approach to increase soft tissue and contouring.

The aim is not only to provide a smoother skin surface but also to restore the face’s individual features, providing a balance of the filler’s lifting effect on the curved and hollowed areas.

You will get natural looking and immediate results, that last from 1 to 4 years depending on which Ellansé option is recommended to you. The correction is maintained for the duration of the option chosen enabling you to avoid multiple sessions.

After treatment the Doctor will again go through any aftercare advice in order to maximise your treatment benefits and avoid any undesirable side effects. You can resume normal activities, drive yourself home or return to work immediately after the treatment.

It is recommended to avoid hot bathing and vigorous exercise for 24 hours and over-exposure to the sun and UV light for 1 week after treatment.

Treatment Time

30-40 minutes

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Pre-mixed with filler

Duration of Results

1-4 years

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hand rejuvenation fillers harley street london avanti aesthetics

Hand Rejuvenation Treatments

hand rejuvenation fillers harley street london avanti aesthetics

Hand Rejuvenation Treatments

For both men and women the focus of cosmetic improvement is often on the face, yet it is our hands that are one of the most tell tale signs of ageing and are so often ignored or forgotten.


As we age, our hands lose firmness and plumpness and begin to look bony and fragile. The skin on the back of the hands becomes thinner and almost translucent with a crape texture. Tendons, veins and joints begin to protrude through the skin and often become flecked with brown spots from sun exposure.

These tell tale signs of ageing typically appear on the hands several years before they appear on the face and can be difficult to hide.

Combating ageing hands takes more than just an over-the-counter hand cream. At Avanti Aesthetics we offer the latest in non-surgical hand rejuvenation treatments that can help improve the skin tone, texture and overall appearance of your hands to complement your other anti-ageing efforts and ensure every handshake is a confident one.

Our Doctors will create a bespoke hand treatment program for you, recommending one or a combination of the following non-surgical treatments based on your unique needs and cosmetic concerns.

Hand volume restoration with Dermal Fillers

A key component in restoring a youthful appearing hand is the replacement of the volume that has diminished over the course of time. The same dermal fillers that can be used to help fill out wrinkles on the face providing a more youthful appearance can also be injected into key compartments of the hands to restore volume and make the hands appear softer and firmer, and to reduce the appearance of wrinkles or veins.

The most common Dermal Fillers used at Avanti Aesthetics for hand rejuvenation are Radiesse, Ellansé and hyaluronic acid fillers such as Juvederm or Restylane.

Hand hydration treatments with Juvederm Hydrate/ Restylane Vital

Over the years, skin may dry out as its natural levels of hyaluronic acid diminish due to age and genetic factors, as well as lifestyle factors such as smoking, sun exposure and environmental factors. This is more noticeable in areas that are more exposed to the elements. By injecting micro droplets of hyaluronic acids such a Restylane Vital or Juvederm Hydrate deep into the skin, the skin’s moisture holding capacity (hydrobalance) is restored, resulting in increased skin smoothness, firmness and elasticity.

A course of three treatments is usually required and the results last for approximately 6 months.

Skin Peels for Hand Rejuvenation

Skin Peels are often used for facial and neck rejuvenation to help eliminate pigmentation and leave the skin looking softer and more resilient. Skin Peels are a resurfacing procedure that can also be used on the skin of the hands to help trigger collagen production, which in turn helps the skin become softer, firmer and stronger, improving crapey wrinkled skin on the back of the hands.

Another telltale sign of ageing on your hands is the pigmentation and brown spots that result from sun damage. These can be reduced dramatically or even removed with Skin Peels.

Dermaroller Therapy for Hands

Fine Crapey skin, wrinkles along with pigmentation on the hands can also be improved with Dermaroller Therapy. Dermaroller Therapy uses a sterile medical roller covered in tiny micro needles to create minuscule pin point punctures in the skin. This is perceived by the body as damage and so stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin. Consecutive skin needling sessions trick your body to continue the healing process resulting in the increased production of collagen, improving the appearance of fine crapey skin, wrinkles and even pigmentation on the back of the hands.

Treatment Time

30 minutes - 2 hours

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Not required

Duration of Results

6-9 months

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